Scales in modelling soil
Discrete Element Method
Grain-scale simulation of soil
Lattice Boltzmann - MRT
\[f_{i}(x + dx, t +\Delta t) - f_{i}(x, t) = -S_{\alpha i}(
f_{i}(x, t) - f_{i} ^ {eq}(x, t))\]
- $S_{\alpha i}$ is the collisional matrix.
- Probability density of finding a particle : $f(x,\varepsilon, t) $,
where, x is position, $\varepsilon$ is velocity, and t is time.
LBM-DEM fluid-solid coupling
$$\Delta t_{s}=\frac{\Delta t}{\mathit{n}_{s}} \qquad (\mathit{n}_{s}=[\Delta t/ \Delta t_{D}]+1) $$
- At every fluid iteration, $\mathit{n}_{s}$
sub-steps of DEM iterations are performed using the time step $\Delta t_{s}$.
- The hydrodynamic force is unchanged during the sub-cycling.
Submarine run-out
Credit: Amanda Murphy (2016)
LBM - DEM a = 0.8 & 10,000 particles
- LBM Nodes = 50 Million : DEM grains = 10000 discs
- Run-time = 4 hours
- Speedup = 125x on a Pascal P100
Collapse on an inclined plane
aspect ratio 'a' of 6 on a slope of 5*
Loose v dense: Initiation phase
Pore-pressure distribution along the failure plane during initiation.
Loose v dense: Runout phase
Water entrainment front (~15d length) at a slope of 5*