A sneak peak into the future of geomechanics

Krishna Kumar, krishnak@utexas.edu

4th March 2021

Civil Engineering: From the past to the present

Tacoma narrow bridge collapse


Millenium bridge


London Bridge Station bridge

Victoria station upgrade

Structural monitoring

Post Office tunnel

Distributed Brillouin Sensing

Monitoring of piles

Monitoring of tunnels

Monitoring of arches

Monitoring of shaft

Post Office tunnel

Agent Based Modelling of cities

Soga et al., (2017)

Agent Based Modelling of Tokyo

Zhao et al., (2019)

Network analysis of Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV2)

Fossil data
Transmission route
Paranthropus boisei is the intermediary species that gave humans herpes!
(Underdown et al., 2017)

The usual suspects

Cellular Automata modelling road network degradation

Cellular Automata modelling of disease

Behaviour of soil under different conditions

King's College, Cambridge
Soil flow
Sand castle

Everyone is a geotechnical engineer!

Where to build the perfect sand castle?

A: Too wet
C: Too dry
B: Perfect

Building the perfect sand castle

Can we build an underwater sand castle?

Using hydrophobic sand: The force between beads remain constant, but the effective weight of the sandcastle is reduced by a factor of 3.

LBM modeling of unsaturated soil behavior

LBM modeling of unsaturated soil behavior

What happens when you squeeze the balloons?

What happens when you squeeze: soil vs water?

Shear-induced dilation

Saw-tooth model

Visualising effective stresses in soil

source: simple shear in granular materials

Realistic dilation model model

Granular trip

source: Jacques Desrues, Cino Viggiani, Edward Andò and Stephen Hall. (2013) Granular Trip: Flying through the pore space of a sand specimen.

Why do dogs dig shallow pits?

Scales in modelling soil

Discrete Element Method

Grain-scale simulation of soil

Applications of DEM

Satori Tsuzuki et al (2016)

Lattice Boltzmann - MRT

Real Fluid vs LBM Idealisation
LBM D2Q9 Model

\[f_{i}(x + dx, t +\Delta t) - f_{i}(x, t) = -S_{\alpha i}( f_{i}(x, t) - f_{i} ^ {eq}(x, t))\]
  • $S_{\alpha i}$ is the collisional matrix.
  • Probability density of finding a particle : $f(x,\varepsilon, t) $, where, x is position, $\varepsilon$ is velocity, and t is time.

LBM-DEM fluid-solid coupling

$$\Delta t_{s}=\frac{\Delta t}{\mathit{n}_{s}} \qquad (\mathit{n}_{s}=[\Delta t/ \Delta t_{D}]+1) $$
  • At every fluid iteration, $\mathit{n}_{s}$ sub-steps of DEM iterations are performed using the time step $\Delta t_{s}$.
  • The hydrodynamic force is unchanged during the sub-cycling.

Submarine run-out

Credit: Amanda Murphy (2016)

LBM - DEM a = 0.8 & 10,000 particles

  • LBM Nodes = 50 Million : DEM grains = 10000 discs
  • Run-time = 4 hours
  • Speedup = 125x on a Pascal P100

Collapse on an inclined plane

aspect ratio 'a' of 6 on a slope of 5*

Loose v dense: Initiation phase


Pore-pressure distribution along the failure plane during initiation.

Loose v dense: Runout phase

Water entrainment front (~15d length) at a slope of 5*

Fluid structure interaction

Satori Tsuzuki et al (2016)

Oso landslide (2014)

8 million cubic meters of glacial deposits and water-filled debris material transported to a distance of 1 km (Haugerud., 2014).

Oso landslide (2014)

Think hard, and go watch Disney movies!

Disney's Frozen: Snow simulation

Sungkwan Park et al (2014)

Mesh-based vs Mesh-free techniques

Material Point Method

Oso landslide simulation

MPM soil-water interaction

MPM submarine landslide

Depth-averaged Material Point Method (Taka et al., 2012)

MPM rainfall induced landslide

Underground worldview

Underground worldview: Virtual Reality

BGC Engineering

Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW)

Machine Learning with Convolution Neural Network

Machine Learning with CNN

Machine Learning with CNN

Machine Learning with CNN

Machine Learning with CNN

CNN Full Waveform Inversion: Architecture

Vantassel et al., (2021)

CNN Full Waveform Inversion: Training

CNN Full Waveform Inversion

CNN prediction of subsoil profile

Learning to Simulate

Learning to Simulate

Modelling soil is out of this world!

Behaviour of martian soil

Modelling soil is out of this world!

source: Zero-G testing

Building the cities of the future!

Sustainable future cities
Martian colony

Thank you!

Krishna Kumar
